Friday 13 May 2011

W is for Wool

I’ve just been in Canberra (Australia’s capital city) for a few days, and shew, was it freezing. Winter is creeping in fast, time to get those winter woolies out.

I’ve been learning to knit and its such a great thing to do while watching T.V and knit yourself some winter accessories at the same time.

How to knit this lovely soft flowy scarf:
Cast on 40 stitches (using 4.5mm needles).
Always knit the first 2 stitches and the last 2 stitches for every row. The pattern given is for the 36 stitches in between those knit stitches.

Row 1 – knit
Row 2 – purl
Row 3 – (k2 tog)3x ; (yo k1)6x ; (k2 tog)6x ; 
          (yo k1)6x ; (k2 tog)3x
                    Row 4 – purl

Repeat those 4 rows until you have your desired length.

How to knit fingerless gloves:
   1.  Cast on between 24-34 stitches (depending on the size of your hands) and leave a tail at the end.
2.Knit between 8 and 15 rows of 2x2 rib stitch (depending how long you want it) (knit 2 stitches, purl 2 stitches).
3.Knit 24 rows in stockinette stitch, alternating between a knit row and a purl row etc. ending in a purl row.
4.Knit 6 rows in ribbed stitch again.
5. Cast off and leave a tail at the end. Tie a knot.
6. Fold it lengthways – inside out. 
7. Stitch along the side to close it up using the tails on either       end but leave a hole for your thumb.
8. Try it on to see if it fits right then tie the knots.
9. Finally, turn it the right way round and there are your fingerless gloves.
You can also find tutorials on the internet which will help a lot.

Its also a good idea to keep your knitting and sewing kit neatly stored away so you always know where to find things and I love this idea for storing your stuff, you can do it with buttons and any little things that easily get lost.

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